The IPUMS International Historical Geographic Information System (IHGIS) provides data tables from population and housing censuses as well as agricultural censuses from around the world, along with corresponding GIS boundary files.
The data in IHGIS were originally published by national statistical offices of the respective countries, primarily in PDF documents. Data tables in these documents vary greatly in structure and are not easy to import into statistical or other analysis software. IHGIS extracts the data from the documents and provides them in a standardized, machine-readable structure.
Through the IHGIS Data Finder, users may select and download data tables from one or more census datasets, potentially covering multiple countries, years, or census types.
Shapefiles representing the units described in the tables are available for download on our Geography & GIS page. (In a future version of IHGIS, these files will be available directly through the Data Finder.) Data tables downloaded from the Data Finder may be joined to these shapefiles using the GISJOIN field in both files.
IHGIS does not provide tools for data analysis, mapping, or reporting. Rather, IHGIS supplies data files designed for use in spreadsheet applications (e.g., Microsoft Excel), statistical software (e.g., R, Stata, SPSS, SAS), or GIS applications (e.g., Esri ArcGIS, QGIS).
IHGIS is funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health, with additional support from the Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation.
Datasets available in IHGIS
The datasets listed below consist of tables drawn from published results documents. IHGIS also includes data tabulated from IPUMS International microdata samples. For more information on both types of datasets, see the Dataset Descriptions page.
Albania 2001 (AL2001pop) | Population and Housing Census 2001 |
Algeria 1998 (DZ1998pop) | Population and Housing Census 1998 |
Angola 2014 (AO2014pop) | General Population and Housing Census |
Belgium 1991 (BE1991pop) | General Census of Population and Housing on March 1, 1991 |
Belize 2010 (BZ2010pop) | Belize Population and Housing Census 2010 |
Colombia 2005 (CO2005pop) | 2005 General Census |
Cook Islands 2011 (CK2011pop) | Census of Population and Dwellings |
Dominican Republic 2010 (DO2010pop) | IX National Population and Housing Census 2010 |
Estonia 2011 (EE2011pop) | 2011 Population and Housing Census |
The Gambia 2013 (GM2013pop) | The Gambia 2013 Population and Housing Census Preliminary Results |
Ghana 2010 (GH2010pop) | Ghana 2010 Population and Housing Census |
Ghana 2021 (GH2021pop) | Ghana 2021 Population and Housing Census |
Hungary 2011 (HU2011pop) | 2011 Census Preliminary Data |
Ireland 1991 (IE1991pop) | Census of Population of Ireland, 1991 |
Japan 2010 (JP2010pop) | 2010 Population Census of Japan |
Kazakhstan 2009 (KZ2009pop) | Results of the 2009 National Population Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Latvia 2011 (LV2011pop) | Latvia Population and Housing Census 2011 |
Malawi 2018 (MW2018pop) | 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census |
Mozambique 2007 (MZ2007pop) | III General Census of Population and Housing |
Myanmar 2014 (MM2014pop) | The Population and Housing Census of Myanmar, 2014 |
Namibia 2001 (NA2001pop) | 2001 Namibia Population and Housing Census |
Niger 2001 (NE2001pop) | 3rd General Census of Population and Housing - 2001 |
Norway 2011 (NO2011pop) | 2011 Population and Housing Census |
Poland 2011 (PL2011pop) | Results Report: National Population and Housing Census 2011 |
Qatar 2004 (QA2004pop) | Population and Housing Census, 2004 |
Sri Lanka 2001 (LK2001pop) | Census of Population and Housing 2001 [data n/a for 7 of the 25 districts due to incomplete enumeration] |
Sri Lanka 2012 (LK2012pop) | Census of Population and Housing 2012 |
Syria 2004 (SY2004pop) | Population and Housing Census 2004 |
Togo 2010 (TG2010pop) | Fourth General Census of Population and Housing - November 2010 |
Tunisia 2004 (TN2004pop) | 2004 census |
United Arab Emirates 2005 (AE2005pop) | Preliminary Results of Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2005 Data files from UAE Open Data Portal ( |
Vietnam 2019 (VN2019pop) | 2019 Vietnam Population and Housing Census |
Albania 2012 (AL2012ag) | Preliminary Results of Agriculture Census, 2012 |
Algeria 2001 (DZ2001ag) | General Census of Agriculture 2001 |
China 1997 (CN1997ag) | First National Census of Agriculture |
Cook Islands 2011 (CK2011ag) | Census of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Finland 2010 (FI2010ag) | Agricultural Census 2010 |
Madagascar 2005 (MG2005ag) | Census of Agriculture |
Thailand 2013 (TH2013ag) | Agricultural Census 2013 |
Togo 2012 (TG2012ag) | National Census of Agriculture 2011-2014 |
Tonga 2001 (TO2001ag) | Agricultural Census 2001 |
Uganda 1991 (UG1991ag) | Uganda National Census of Agriculture and Livestock |
Uganda 2009 (UG2009ag) | Uganda Census of Agriculture |
Vanuatu 2007 (VU2007ag) | Census of Agriculture 2007 |
Zambia 1992 (ZM1992ag) | National Census of Agriculture |
Uganda 2002 (UG2002popag) | Report on the Agricultural Module, Piggy-backed onto the Population and Housing Census (PHC), 2002 |