The table below describes datasets derived from published census results. See the bottom of this page for an overview of datasets tabulated from IPUMS International Microdata.
Dataset | Dataset type | # Tables | Tabulation geographies [# units] | Census date (d-m-yr) |
Albania 2001 | Population Census | 78 | Prefecture [36] | 01-04-2001 |
Albania 2012 | Agricultural Census | 5 | Prefecture [12] | 01-10-2012 |
Algeria 1998 | Population Census | 7 | Wilaya [48] | 24-06-1998 |
Algeria 2001 | Agricultural Census | 58 | Wilaya [48] | 2000 - 2001 agricultural season |
Angola 2014 | Population Census | 34 | Province [14] | 16-05-2014 |
Belgium 1991 | Population Census | 4 | Region [3] | 01-03-1991 |
Belize 2010 | Population Census | 20 | District [6] Subdivision [15] City/Village/Town [218] | 12-05-2010 |
China 1997 | Agricultural Census | 10 | Part [3] | Varies |
Colombia 2005 | General Census | 55 | Departments [33] Municipalities [1,123] Communes in Major Cities [64] Departments (using Grupo Amazonía) [29] Municipalities (using Grupo Amazonía) [1,089] | Varies |
Cook Islands 2011 | Agricultural Census | 73 | Island group [3] Island/District [26] | Varies |
Cook Islands 2011 | Population Census | 104 | Island group [3] Island/District [26] | 01-12-2011 |
Dominican Republic 2010 | Population Census | 57 | Region [10] Province [32] Municipality [155] Municipal district [386] | 01 to 07-12-2010 |
Estonia 2011 | Population Census | 10 | County [15] Municipality [226] | 31-12-2011 |
Finland 2010 | Agricultural Census | 12 | Region [16] | Varies |
The Gambia 2013 | Population Census | 8 | Local Government Area (LGA) [8] District [43] | 15-04-2013 |
Ghana 2010 | Population Census | 149 | Region [10] | 26-09-2010 |
Ghana 2021 | Population Census | 65 | Region [16] District/Constituency [261] Constituency (in metropolitan districts) [17] | 27-06-2021 |
Hungary 2011 | Population Census | 12 | Region [7] County [20] | 01-10-2011 |
Ireland 1991 | Population Census | 31 | Province [4] County & County Borough Group [5] County [32] Rural District/Urban District/Municipal Borough [217] Town/Environs [254] | 21-04-1991 |
Japan 2010 | Population Census | 20 | Prefecture [47] | 01-10-2010 |
Kazakhstan 2009 | Population Census | 6 | Region/Oblast [16] | 25-02-2009 |
Latvia 2011 | Population Census | 19 | Region [6] County [119] Parish/Town [564] | 01-03-2011 |
Malawi 2018 | Population Census | 51 | Region [3] District [32] Traditional Authority [401] | 03-09-2018 |
Madagascar 2005 | Agricultural Census | 141 | Province [6] Region [22] District [105] | July 2004 to June 2005 |
Mozambique 2007 | Population Census | 5 | Region [11] | 01-08-2007 |
Myanmar 2014 | Population Census | 7 | Region [15] District [74] Township/City [413] | 29-03-2014 |
Namibia 2001 | Population Census | 37 | Region [13] | 28-08-2001 |
Niger 2001 | Population Census | 81 | Region [8] | 20-05-2001 |
Norway 2011 | Population and Housing Census | 17 | Counties [27] Municipalities [530] | 19-11-2011 |
Poland 2011 | Population Census | 18 | Voivodeship [16] | 31-03-2011 |
Qatar 2004 | Population Census | 46 | Municipality [10] Zone [87] | 14-03-2004 |
Sri Lanka 2001 | Population Census | 15 | District [18] | 17-07-2001 |
Sri Lanka 2012 | Population Census | 163 | Province [10] District [26] Division Secretariat (Colombo and Thimbirigasyaya) [2] Grama Niladhari Divsion (Colombo and Thimbirigasyaya) [55] | 20-03-2012 |
Syria 2004 | Population Census | 95 | Mohafazat [14] | 22-09-20041 |
Thailand 2013 | Agricultural Census | 18 | Region[4] Province [77] Coastal Zone [5] Coastal Province [24] | 01-05-2013 |
Togo 2010 | Population Census | 14 | Region [6] Prefecture/ Arrondissement [40] Canton/Quartier [443] Canton [73] | 06 to 21 11-2010 |
Togo 2012 | Agricultural Census | 53 | Region [5] | 2011-12 crop year |
Tonga 2001 | Agricultural Census | 88 | Division [5] District [23] | Varies |
Tunisia 2004 | Population Census | 70 | Governorate [24] | 28-04-2004 |
Uganda 1991 | Agricultural Census | 181 | District [33, 6 not enumerated] | March 1990 to April 1991 |
Uganda 2002 | Combined Population and Agricultural Census | 27 | Region [4] District [56] | Varies |
Uganda 2009 | Agricultural Census | 38 | Region [4] District [80] | 2008-2009 agricultural season* |
United Arab Emirates 2005 | Population Census | 21 | Emirate [7] | 06-12-2005 |
Vanuatu 2007 | Agricultural Census | 116 | Province [6] Island [18] | Varies |
Vietnam 2019 | Population Census | 33 | Socio-economic Region [6] Province/City [63] District [712] | 01-04-2019 |
Zambia 1990-1992 | Agricultural Census | 151 | Province [9] District [57] | Varies |
Albania 2001: Usual residents
Albania 2012: All agricultural holdings in the country
Algeria 1998: All natural persons resident in the national territory on the reference date, except foreign persons covered by diplomatic or consular immunity
Algeria 2001: All agricultural holdings within Algeria.
Angola 2014: Resident population, whether present or not at the time of the interview. Residents include those residing in the household for more than six months and/or intending to reside in the household for the next six months.
Belgium 1991: Persons recorded in the National Register (population register and register of foreigners)
Belize 2010: All households of Belize. De jure, counting all persons who had resided or planned to reside in Belize for at least six months. Includes person living in households and institutions, whether or not they were present at the time of the enumerator’s visit, as well as those persons who were found living on the streets on census day. Military personnel and their families who were living in military barracks or camps and members of the diplomatic corps living in residences of the Ambassadors or High Commissions were excluded.
China 1997: All agricultural holdings in rural areas
Colombia 2005: All regular habitants of the country
Cook Islands 2011 (ag): Households engaged in agriculture and/or fishing and commercial agricultural enterprises
Cook Islands 2011 (pop): All persons alive at midnight on Census Night within the geographical boundaries of the Cook Islands, excluding those persons on foreign vessles, yachts and aircraft flying through or stopping temporarily
Dominican Republic 2010: De jure. Includes all persons habitually residing in the territory of the Dominican Republic and its jurisdictional waters, regardless of where the wehere during the enumeration period.
Estonia 2011: Permanent residents, including military and naval personnel, diplomatic staff and members of their families, and those who work in another country but who spend most of their non-working time in Estonia
Finland 2010: Farms in the 2009 Farm Register; horticultural enterprises in the 2009 Horticultural Enterprise Register; and new applicants for farming subsidies in 2010
Ghana 2010: All de facto persons present within Ghana at midnight on Census night
Ghana 2021: All de facto persons present within Ghana at midnight on Census night
Gambia, The 2013: De facto count of all persons who were within the borders of The Gambia by midnight of Census night
Hungary 2011: Resident population, excluding foreign military, naval and diplomatic personnel and their families and civilian foreigners in the country temporarily
Ireland 1991: All de facto persons present within its boundaries on the night of Sunday, April 21, 1991, together with all persons who arrived in that area on the morning of Monday, April 22 1991, not having been enumerated elsewhere.
Japan 2010: All persons living in Japan, except (1) foreign diplomatic corps, their suite and their dependents and (2) Foreign military personnel including both military corps and civilians and their dependents. The following islands were excluded: (1) Habomai-gunto, Shikotan-to, Kunashiri-to and Etorofu-to and (2) Take-shima in Okinoshima-cho, Oki-gun Shimane-ken.
Kazakhstan 2009: People present at the census time
Latvia 2011: Permanent residents of Latvia
Madagascar 2005: Agricultural holdings in rural municipalities. Complete enumeration of modern farms and large farms. Sample survey of traditional farms. Traditional maritime and continental fisheries and aquaculture.
Malawi 2018: [Not specified in the available documentation]
Mozambique 2007: All persons who spent census night in the country except diplomats in foreign embassies
Namibia 2001: All persons who were in the country during the census reference night
Niger 2001: [Not specified in the available documentation]
Norway 2011: All persons, including foreign citizens, that according to the population register were residents in Norway on 19 November 2011. The Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970 (with later amendments) and its provisions, define persons that are considered resident in Norway and where their address is to be.
Poland 2011: Persons currently residing and registered for permanent residence or temporary residence more than 3 months
Sri Lanka 2001: Usual resident population in Western, Central, Southern, North Western, North Central, Uva, and Sabaragamuwa provinces and Ampara district in Eastern province. (Disturbed conditions in Northern and the remainder of Eastern province prevented complete enumeration. Data include some estimates for these districts based on incomplete enumeration and other information.)
Syria 2004: [Not specified in the available documentation]
Thailand 2013: The agricultural census includes all farmers with agricultural holdings, whether registered or unregistered, in all parts of the country. In this context, agriculture includes plant growing, animal raising, aquatic animal raising in freshwater areas, and sea salt farming for sale. Those engaged in freshwater and marine fishing and coastal aquaculture are also included. Agriculture for the purpose of education, experimentation, recreation, competition, and sport is excluded.
Togo 2010: Present and absent residents, plus visitors
Togo 2012: Agricultural holdings (synonymous with agricultural households) in rural enumeration areas
Tonga 2001: All households residing in Tonga during the enumeration period, plus 29 institutions
Tunisia 2004: [Not specified in the available documentation]
Uganda 1991: Smallholders and large scale institutional farms in rural areas. Six districts in the northeast part of the country (Gulu, Kitgum, Kotido, Kumi, Morotowere, and Soroti) were excluded due to insecure conditions. Complete enumeration of large scale and institutional farms in covered districts. Sample survey of small-scale holders.
Uganda 2002: All households engaged in agriculture. (Did not cover Private Large Scale and Institutional Farm Sector.)
Uganda 2009: All agricultural holdings
United Arab Emirates: All persons (nationals and non-nationals) residing in the UAE as of census night
Vietnam 2019: Residents in Vietnam, including those usually resident in Vietnam, but who were overseas at the time of the census; special groups were enumerated, including the police force, army and foreign affairs.
Vanuatu 2007: Households engaged in agricultural activities (sample survey)
Zambia 1990-1992: Part I: Agricultural households component of Census of Population and Housing. Complete enumeration of agricultural households. Part II: Sample survey of agricultural households in rural areas and Standard Enumeration Areas in urban areas that contained 20 or more agricultural households.
Variable Census Dates
China 1997
Inventory: Day of enumeration, between 01-01-1997 and 31-01-1997
All other data: Calendar year 1996
Colombia 2005
The census does not seem to have a single date of reference; various dates were utilized for different regions of the country, corresponding with their varying fieldwork periods. Dates range from 22-05-2005 to 06-03-2006.
Cook Islands 2011 (ag)
Enumeration was conducted between 01-12-2011 and early 2012 [date not specified in available documentation]
Labor inputs for holdings: During the month prior to the date of enumeration
Livestock kept: Date of enumeration
Loans: During the 5 years prior to the date of enumeration
All other data: During the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration
Finland 2010
Horses, pigs, and poultry: 01-04-2010
Cattle, sheep, and goats: 01-05-2010
Crops: harvested during 2010
Irrigation, other gainful activities, grazing land, and manure: calendar year 2010
Labor force: 01-09-2009 to 31-08-2010
Rural development characteristics: 2008, 2009, 2010
Tonga 2001
Enumeration period: 03-10-2001 and 15-12-2001
Tax allotment ownership, crops and trees grown by minor agricultural households, household membership and economic characteristics, livestock and poultry, agro-forestry, scattered/boundary crops/trees: Day of enumeration
Loans: Last 5 years
Selected economic and labor items: Week or month preceding enumeration
All other data: 01-10-2000 to 30-09-2001
Uganda 2002
Enumeration period: 13-09-2002 to 20-09-2002
Livestock: Day of enumeration
Poultry: Average per month in the previous 3 months
Crops: January to June 2002
Uganda 2009
Available documentation did not provide a definition for the 2008-2009 agricultural season. In the Uganda Agricultural Census of 1991, the 1990 agricultural year was defined as March 1989 to April 1990. We assume a similar definition would apply, making the agricultural season March 2008 to April 2009.
Vanuatu 2007
Enumeration period: 21-08-2007 to 21-09-2007 (extended to 21-10-2007 for difficult to reach areas)
Crops/plants/trees currently growing and number of livestock: Day of enumeration
Value of products sold: Last sale
All other data: 01-06-2006 to 31-05-2007
Zambia 1990-1992
Data were gathered in three distinct enumeration periods:
Agricultural questionnaire administered as part of Census of Population and Housing: August/September 1990, covering the 1989/90 agricultural season. (Part I)
Pre-harvest survey: Dec. 1991 to Jan. 1992, covering the 1990/91 agricultural season. (Part II, Phase 1)
Post-harvest survey: Oct. 1992 to Nov. 1992, covering the 1991/92 agricultural season. (Part II, Phase 2)
Each agricultural season spans 1 October of the first year to 30 September of the following year.
Inventories, economic activity, type of holding, demographic characteristics: Day of enumeration.
Crop production, livestock raising, chicken rearing: Agricultural season
Datasets Tabulated from IPUMS International Microdata
IPUMS International microdata consist of individual- and household-level records for a sample of the enumerated population. In other words, each record consists of one person's responses to all the questions in the census. IPUMS International disseminates a sample of such records, typically between 1 and 10%, for each census. Microdata samples can be tabulated to generate aggregate data tables by counting the number of records with certain characteristics and accouting for weighting within the sample. Because the data are derived from samples, rather than the complete enumeration, the values may differ from published tables.
We defined a standard set of tables to tabulate from IPUMS International samples, provided the variables required for the tabulation were present in the sample. For example, we would be unable to tabulate the percentage of households with internet access for a particular census if it did not ask about internet access.
Aggregate data tables tabulated from IPUMS International microdata were originally created for IPUMS Terra and are preserved in IHGIS as part of the legacy of the Terra project.
The data imported from IPUMS Terra correspond to IPUMS International data as they were in September 2018, prior to the expiration of IPUMS Terra funding. As such, they do not include all samples currently available in IPUMS International. Data may also differ slightly from current IPUMS International data due to more recent corrections and improvements in IPUMS International.
1 Syria's Central Bureau of Statistics website provided the data tables without any additional documentation available. The 22-09-2004 date was found on the City Population website, with uncertain provenance.